Bezco Farming was founded by Bill & Brenda Bezooyen. Alongside, their concrete company (JB Construction Inc.), the Bezooyens manage their land with their three sons Dexter, Luke and Zoltan.

Our farm in Southern Alberta is a commercial grain operation that is all irrigated land.  We are currently seeding 5 crops consisting of canola, wheat, barley, alfalfa and potatoes. These crops are sold at the local elevators, local feedlots, local processing plants and go from “farm to table”.

We explore and create dynamic new approaches and strategies to bring about change. We see challenges as opportunities. We actively seek and try to new approaches and new ways and thinking.  We embrace feedback for growth and development.  We always try to raise the bar.

Ultimately, the aim is to develop a sustainable food production platform for the future. Making healthy, honest and environmentally friendly products available to everyone is an important step towards a better future for current and future generations

Ridin’ the Wave of Innovation for Seeding and Harvesting

The spring seeding and fall harvest seasons are the farm’s busiest times, and the farm is a hive of activity.  The busy seasons take careful coordination to keep farming activities running smoothly and safety.  Our modern grain farm operates the best agricultural technology available to drive productivity, improve efficiency, and ensure our farm equipment operators come home safely at the end of the day.

Our primary crops are wheat, barley, canola, alfalfa and potatoes, which we grow on a carefully managed four-year rotation.  We continually use agricultural innovation and technology to improve our farming operations and prioritize careful land crop management practices and environmental stewardship.


Our soil is the foundation of our farm and its health is vital to our success and future. Soils on the farm have a significant amount of natural variability - from lighter soils with some sand content to heavier soils with more clay.  Each field is unique and we tailor our soil health strategies accordingly.

We are focused on building organic matter and nutrients in our soils and are always exploring ways the farm can help hold these important resources in the land.  We work with professionals and agronomists to better understand and quantify our efforts and their effectiveness.


Water is essential for life and growing crops. As a Southern Alberta company, we recognize the critical value of water for the environment, communities, and agriculture. Our goal is to match the correct irrigation practice to each of our crops - maximizing water efficiency while generating the best yield and quality possible. Our unique climate in Alberta allows us to grow higher quality crops with higher production per drop of water than is possible in other growing regions around the world.

Southern Alberta has a unique and complex water system and we understand the importance of this vital resource for communities, the environment and agriculture. As stewards of this resource, we focus on only using the exact amount of water that each crop needs regardless of the way we apply that water. Our crops achieve maximum productivity and quality when they get exactly the amount of water they require - too much or too little can have significant impacts.

For almost 30 years Bezooyen Family has been working with pivot irrigation on the farm.